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 Services and Pricing: Divorce and Custody

CLI is committed to providing affordable and clear pricing options. Learn more about what CLI is doing to increase access to justice.


​Uncontested Without Children


​Contested​ Without Children


​Uncontested With Children

Assistance with Self-Help (Pro Se) Forms

1) Document Review .......................................$200
2) Draft, Review and File Forms ..................$300
3) All of the above plus publication..............$400









1) From filing Petition to final Decree:

    5-10 hours. Hourly rate based on sliding-          scale (hourly rate)


*For a detailed list of services that are included in our pro se assistance options, click HERE.

Assistance with Self Help (Pro Se) Forms

1) Document Review .......................................$200
2) Draft, Review and File Forms ..................$300
3) All of the above plus publication..............$400

4) All of Number 2 plus drafting of Settlement Agreement and Final Order............................$500







1) From Filing Petition to Final Decree:

 ----case by case @ $(hourly rate)



Unbundled Services and Limited Scope

1) Pretrial Conference: 5 hours @$(hourly rate)

2) by case @ $(hourly rate)
3) Mediation .....................10hours@$(hourly rate)

4) by case @ $(base rate)

*For a detailed list of services that are included in our pro se assistance options, click HERE.

Assistance with Self Help (Pro Se) Forms

1) Document Review .....................................$200

2) Draft, Review and File Forms ................$300

3) All of Number 2 plus publication...........$400

4) All of Number 2 plus drafting of Settlement Agreement and Final Order..........................$500







1) From Filing Petition to Final Decree.: 5-10 hours. Hourly rate based on sliding-          scale (hourly rate)


Unbundled Services and Limited Scope

1) Pretrial Conference: 5 hours @$(hourly rate)

2) by case @ $(hourly rate)
3) Mediation .....................10hours@$(hourly rate)

4) by case @ $(base rate)

*For a detailed list of services that are included in our pro se assistance options, click HERE.

​Contested With Children
Custody: Uncontested
Custody: Contested

Assistance with Self Help (Pro Se) Forms

1) Document Review .......................................$200
2) Draft, Review and File Forms ..................$300
3) All of the above plus publication..............$400

4) All of Number 2 plus drafting of Settlement Agreement and Final Order............................$750








1) From Filing Petition to Final Decree..................................................$(hourly rate)*


Unbundled Services and Limited Scope

1) Pretrial Conference: 5 hours @$(hourly rate)

2) by case @ $(hourly rate)
3) Mediation .....................10hours@$(hourly rate)

4) by case @ $(base  rate)

*For a detailed list of services that are included in our pro se assistance options, click HERE.

(Pro Se Forms Not Available) 













1) From Filing Petition to Final Decree.: 5-10 hours. Hourly rate based on sliding-          scale (hourly rate)*


Unbundled Services and Limited Scope

1) Drafting and Filing Petition: ...................................5 hours @$(hourly rate)

2) Pretrial Conference: 5 hours @$(hourly rate)

3) by case @ $(hourly rate)
4) Mediation .....................10hours@$(hourly rate)

5) by case @ $(base rate)

(Pro Se Forms Not Available)













1) From Filing Petition to Final Decree:

 ----case by case @ $(hourly rate)*



Unbundled Services and Limited Scope

1) Drafting and Filing Petition: ............................................5 hours @$(hourly rate)

2) Temporary Matters  10hours@$(hourly rate)

2) Pretrial Conference: 5 hours @$(hourly rate)

3) by case @ $(hourly rate)
4) Mediation .....................10hours@$(hourly rate)

5) by case @ $(base rate)

* Sliding-Scale Hourly Rate is not gauranteed for trial work. 

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